America Votes
It’s election eve. Hearts are beating a bit faster everywhere in our nation no matter which side you support. Americans are making a choice, and it seems so critical to get it right. Franklin Rock would tell you that there is no way to know which is the best or correct choice. That seems ridiculous on the surface. Half the country is certain that dumping Trump is a must, while the other half is equally adamant that giving power to the Democrats will yield disaster.
If someone insists that there is always a best or correct choice, two conclusions can instantly be reached. One, that person does not understand how the world works. Two, that person has not yet read Franklin Rock.
Yogi Berra once famously said, “When you get to the fork in the road, take it.” After you have read Franklin Rock you will understand why Yogi had it exactly right.
Don’t fret America. As Professor Niemeyer assures Franklin, everything always works out as it must.